In researching elements of a marketing campaign for independent authors/publishers it was stressed that book reviews are essential. In the traditional publishing world publishers send out either advance copies or copies soon after publication and tend to work with specific reviewers. It is highly recommended that we self-publishers also send out advance copies and use the reviews received both as part of the back of the book blub and for initial marketing.
I didn’t send out advance copies of my book to reviewers. I was caught up in the details of book production and was determined to hit the holiday market; there just wasn’t time for everything. I met the goal of having MURPHY’S TROUBLES available for holiday book purchases (November 18th available on Amazon). I did garner a satisfying number of readers locally and squeezed in two book signing events in December. The truth is I have not attracted attention to MURPHY’S TROUBLES on Amazon. I would like to have readers review my book. I have had one local author offer to write a review, unfortunately, the offer came in mid-December through my website e-mail (which I rarely check) and it was a month before I responded to his offer. I’ve responded to him but I’m not sure if he’s still interested. What am I asking for? I would like a one paragraph review of about 50-75 words, and approval to publish the review online and other appropriate places. If you are interested in reviewing MURPHY’S TROUBLES, please contact me at: [email protected]. Of course I will provide a copy of the book.
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As a first time published author there are a lot of thrills. Now it’s been about eight weeks since MURPHY’S TROUBLES became available on Amazon. While some authors disparage book readings and signings I found them exciting and having feedback from readers is fascinating and educational.
In the last few weeks I’ve received several responses from readers, all people I know, that have been special little gifts. One friend let me know she’s read through chapter seven this week and she e-mailed that I had “captured” her. Another is an AARP advocate colleague. He e-mailed me that he purchased my book on Amazon and was enjoying a good read during a frigid Wisconsin winter. I never expected a person I’ve worked with in AARP to also become a reader. Finally, one of the staff at Beans n Cream Coffeehouse told me she bought my book for her Dad for Christmas. She wanted to let me know her Dad started reading on Christmas day, has finished the book and is passing it along to other family members. Finally, I received an e-mail from my college roommate (yes, we still stay in touch). He let me know he also bought my book on Amazon and would be giving me feedback soon. He lives in Maine and with the extreme winter blizzards, if he has light and heat, he’ll have time to read. Originally, I was terrified of what people who read the book might say to me. I have been surprised at how kind and generous people have been. What experiences have you had when readers respond to your work? I have subscribed to The Writer Magazine since 2001 and it has been published since 1887. I’ve been fortunate to have two articles published in The Writer (May 2012 and September 2012). The February 2014 issue has a story by Neil Evans, “For a living”. One sentence in the article grabbed by attention: “Writing is an act; being a writer is a state of mind, a lifestyle, a necessity.” By his definition Evans claims he isn’t a writer but he does earn his income from writing, working as a web content editor.
In an age of e-mails, e-zines, blogs, tweets, and content writing we have stretched what has been traditionally meant to be a writer. I enjoy writing a weekly blog and a monthly feature in the e-zine Extra Innings; however, my first love is the novel. In reflecting on the direction I want to take in 2014 Evans’ definition of a writer is critical. For years I dreamt of being a writer. At first I thought that if I was paid for my writing, I would be a writer. I achieved that goal in 2010 but still didn’t view myself as a writer. Then I decided I would be a writer when I published my first novel. I achieved that goal in November 2013. Yet, something was missing; I continued to struggle with the notion that I am a writer. The missing element is in Evans definition: “. . . being a writer is a state of mind, a lifestyle, a necessity.” In 2014 I plan to give myself the freedom to explore being a writer with this definition in mind. Recently, I helped a friend polish his musical comedy, tightening the story, giving color to characters and tying up loose ends in the last act. His focus was the music, not the story. He asked me one day how I came up with the changes I suggested. My response, without thinking was: “That’s what I do.” There is some debate on the meaning of the expression; “cast the die”, some say the origin is Julius Caesar. I prefer the version deeply rooted in metallurgy when molten metal was poured into a mold or die that would form an object once the metal cooled. In 2014 I’m casting the die to have the freedom to live a writer’s state of mind, a lifestyle and accept the necessity of writing in my life. It’s winter in Wisconsin. It snows in the winter in Wisconsin. For my first book signing this past Saturday at the Beans n Cream Coffeehouse, it snowed. The snow began several hours before my 10 a.m. start time. It was the type of snow that melts when it hits the road pavement and turns into a mush. The mush makes driving tenuous. My hopes for hoards of book purchasers with books in hand to sign melted like the new snow striking pavement.
The table at the coffee shop had a sign reading “Reserved for Rex Owens book signing”. A stack of books sat on the table. I added my book cover poster to attract potential book readers and took a seat. My wife was armed with the camera to record the historic moments. The first person through the door was my best friend, he picked up a book from my table, purchased it and his four shot cappuccino then joined me at the table. Everyone that stopped by the table followed his lead that morning. I was in author’s heaven. On a Saturday morning I was hanging out at the coffee shop, drinking coffee, selling books, signing books and talking with my friends for two and a half hours. What could be better? I sold about 10 books and it was very satisfying. It’s still winter in Wisconsin. My “big” event was the book reading and signing at the Sun Prairie Public Library this past Monday evening. The snow began about 3:00 p.m. It snowed hard. It was the kind of snow that when you turn on your ‘brights’ when driving you get a wall of white and realize it’s worse so you turn them off. About 5:30 p.m. my phone began ringing, friends calling to tell me the snow was too much of a hazard and they wouldn’t be attending the reading. I didn’t answer those calls; I let them go to voicemail. I appreciated the calls but didn’t want to hear them. By 6:20 p.m. only one person arrived for the reading. I was determined not to cancel. Then two more arrived. At 6:30 the library staff insisted that I begin even with only three people in the room. I started. During my opening remarks people straggled into the room, one by one, until we had ten in all. I wanted to have an informal conversation with readers, not just lecture and read. We struck up a conversation, people contributed their experiences traveling in Ireland and after the reading we continued to talk. My wife Lynette sold books at a table in the back of the room and we sold another 10 books. I was elated. For an author talking directly with readers is a very special experience. We all write to be read. Talking with readers completes the writing experience and provides another way for writers to enrich their writing. I thoroughly enjoy the reading and signing events. The events connect me with my community and make me whole as a writer. I’m looking forward to a year of author events in 2014. Next week is family week with son, daughter-in-law and one year old granddaughter visiting from Omaha. The whole clan will be together for the first time in several years. I’m going take a break for posting a blog and enjoy the warmth of my family. For 2014 I offer a traditional Irish blessing: May you have the hindsight to know where you’ve been, the foresight to know where you’re going and the insight to know when you’re going too far. This Saturday, December 14th I have my first ever public book signing. I’m nervous, anxious, and uncertain and my self-confidence is hiding somewhere. I am very lucky that the owner-manager of our local coffee hangout, Jeff Gauger, from Beans n Cream Coffee House wants me to spend several hours Saturday morning signing books. I am dumbfounded that he believes that I will be an “attraction”. I’ve never been an “attraction” before and I am doubtful. His bet is that the good local folks will want to with me well on finally publishing MURPHY’S TROUBLES, and take the time to buy a cup of coffee, maybe a danish or breakfast burrito.
Jeff even created a fantastic poster to advertise my upcoming appearance both at Beans n Cream and the Sun Prairie Library Monday night (December 16th) at 6:30 p.m. I volunteered to take the posters around town and ask businesses to display them in a prominent place for several weeks. It was the least I could do. I wanted to use my “event” Monday night to support the Library so I’ll be donating half of the royalties from each book sale to the Library Foundation. I didn’t want to advertise this because I was afraid that folks might see it as a gimmick to sell books. It’s not. It’s just my way of saying thanks to the Library Director, Tracy Herold, for her support. There’s simply nothing more natural than a novelist supporting their local library in whatever way possible. I have been working toward this time in my life for the past sixteen years. I am ready, it’s the path I’ve chosen or maybe it’s chosen me, most days I’m not sure. Wish me luck. I can finally answer all my well meaning friends, who ask: Where is that book of yours? To be honest they have all been very generous and offered congratulations, asked where to buy the book and asked if I’ve planned any author events in December.
I’ve independently published my debut novel using Create Space, the publishing arm of Amazon. My experience with Create Space has been nothing short of a miracle. I singed a service agreement with Create Space on October 7th, and in 31 busness days my book is available to the world. By contrast, I signed a contract with micro publisher, Mischievous Muse Press, and terminated the contract in February this year after 2 ½ years of frustration and providing numerous edited manuscripts that were never accepted. I often wondered why they ever offered me a contract. Create Space offers several distribution packages and I’ve selected the Expanded Distribution. It means my royalties will be less but MURPHY’S TROUBLES will be available world-wide on Amazon and placed in bookstores at no out- of-pocket cost to me. Amazon also offers me, again at no cost, an author’s webpage that is interactive. In addition to providing readers with a bit more information about me, the author’s page has a forum where I can respond directly to readers’ questions, reactions and opinions. It is a way for me to develop a relationship with my readers which is very important to me. I began the journey down publication road in January 2010 after being laid off from my job in December, 2009. The lay-off was completely unexpected but I rebounded quickly by deciding it was an opportunity in wolf’s clothing. With the lay-off I had the time to find out if I had the skills needed to have both a freelance career and to publish my fiction. Following the exhilaration of seeing my book on Amazon I took a brief trip down memory lane. I’m a saver and I’ve saved the notes from all my writing classes and conferences. In the beginning of my writing journey I joined a critique group led by Laurel Yourke, a talented and award winning teacher, scholar and writer. Stuffed in my notes from her critique class I found a one page assignment I turned in on November 6, 2000. The assignment was a scene between Ian Murphy and his boyhood friend, Timolty Doyle. I have been writing Ian’s story for a very long time. I am honored to offer MURPHY’S TROUBLES to all readers on and in local bookstores. If you get a chance, send me an e-mail or post to this blog; let me know what you think. It’s sometimes difficult to believe that we continue to celebrate an essentially agrarian holiday in 21st century America. The current celebration date was established by President Lincoln in 1863. However, as early as 1777 the Continental Congress created Thursday December 18th as a day set aside for national Thanksgiving.
Now the holiday is associated with commercialism with “brown” Thursday and “black” Friday. This evolution is unfortunate and blurs the original intent of the holiday. In our family we do not shop on either Thursday or Friday, partly for self-protection from crazed mobs, but primarily because we just don’t accept the commercialization of giving thanks. This year I am thankful that MURPHY’S TROUBLES is published. More than this accomplishment is how it came about. As my wife reminds me, this year I learned how much my friends believe and support me. Without friends MURPHY’S TROUBLES wouldn’t have been published in November or even in 2013. The lesson I learned is that I am part of a creative, arts community; a community that nurtures an artist way of life. I am fortunate. I want to thank each person that has walked this journey with me and will continue to be members of my community. On Monday, November 18, 2013 my debut historical thriller, MURPHY’S TROUBLES became available on (’s-Troubles-Rex-Owens).
Why am I announcing this event on Wednesday, November20th? Now, there’s a story. I was surprised to receive the final hardcopy proof with cover late in the afternoon on the 20th. I didn’t expect the final proof until November 25th. I sat down and reviewed the last round of corrections I submitted and found everything perfect. I could have (or should have) taken the time to check everything again. I’ve reviewed four proofs so I decided to take a leap of faith that another review wasn’t need. I logged into Create Space and approved the final proof. Then I selected price, distribution channels, created an account to have royalties deposited and ordered books for my readings on December 14th and 16th. The instructions noted that after final approval it would take 3-5 business days to have MURPHY’S TROUBLES listed on Amazon. Just to make sure I understood the timing I called the Create Space customer service. They explained that they couldn’t provide a date for birth on Amazon, just the 3-5 business day range. I then asked the typical newbie question, can you guarantee it will be on Amazon by Monday, November 25th? YES! I was elated because the book launch was a full week ahead of schedule. I switched gears to marketing mode and began work on the details of making the big announcement on Monday. For some reason Tuesday I had an abundance of nervous energy and couldn’t focus. I distracted myself with mundane jobs like grocery shopping, painting set for our civic theater production and other non-cerebral activities. Tuesday evening I was watching the last episode of a PBS series I enjoyed but again found I couldn’t concentrate. I decided, on a whim, to check Amazon. I went to Amazon books and typed MURPHY’S TROUBLES in the search bar. It popped up at the top of the page! How did that happen? I don’t care. Having MURPHY’S TROUBLES listed on Amazon is a moment of triumph and the conclusion of a journey that began in 2000. My nervous energy dissipated and I felt a wave of calmness through my body and could literally feel my tense muscles relaxed. I hooted at the top of my voice! So today I become marketing man and this blog is my first declaration to the world – I DID IT! Several years ago the director of our local library asked if I would be willing to serve on the Sun Prairie Library Board. I was thrilled to be asked and of course accepted. Before officially being appointed, at the director’s invitation, I attended a Board meeting to meet the other members and observe how a meeting was run and the topics they made decisions on.
Then there was a glitch and I couldn’t be appointed because I live about ¼ mile past the city border. I was disappointed but said I would be willing to serve on the Friends of the Sun Prairie Library Board. The Friends don’t have residential restrictions. A week ago I was asked to serve on the Board of the Friends and accepted the offer over the phone. On Monday night I attended the annual meeting and along with two other volunteers I was elected. At our local library the “Friends” raise funds by operating a small bookstore within the library. The funds are donated for a variety of purposes including maintaining an aquarium ecosystem, the summer reading program, equipment purchases and other special projects. Growing up in a small community in northwest Indiana our library was a lifeline for me. I am looking forward to making a commitment to our library in Sun Prairie where my nearly three year old grandson Ross can have the same opportunity I had growing up. (Ross loves talking to the fish in the aquarium.) While I was under contract with a traditional publisher I was comfortable with calling myself an author (or soon to be author when the book was actually published). Several years ago I attended a presentation at the UW Madison Writer’s Institute by a publication attorney. He explained that the term “author” has a specific legal definition. A writer becomes an” author” when there is a contract between a person and a publisher to create a specific work. Based on this understanding, at the time, I was adamant that anyone who self-published was not an author.
Well, the days of having a contract with a traditional publisher are fading in my rear view mirror. In a few weeks I will release Murphy’s Troubles on Amazon print- on- demand and used their proprietary Create Space publishing service. So, by my understanding of the term, I can’t honestly refer to myself as an author. So, do I call myself a writer? That term is very broad and doesn’t satisfy me as being descriptive of what I do. Several years ago when I was developing my LinkedIn profile I used the term: Novelist and Freelance Writer. I don’t any longer remember why I chose those words, but I’ve decided it fits. My first love is the novel and my second freelance non-fiction for my blog, Extra Innings, book reviews and an occasional print magazine. After Murphy’s Troubles is available on Amazon I’ve settled on calling myself a published novelist. I think that is accurate and it avoids any legal misunderstanding that may occur by calling myself an author. This is important to me. It may seem like I’m splitting hairs. For me, the distinction is significant. It’s also a way to answer the question – what do you write – in a simple, elegant way. |
rex owensI write to tell the story of our human saga. Categories
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